Five Spring Writing Prompts
April is National Poetry Month, as designated in 1996 by the Academy of American Poets. It seems fitting, as spring has been an inspiration to some of poetry’s greatest writers. While T.S. Eliot called April “the cruelest month” in The Wasteland, E.E. Cummings wrote warmly about it, writing, “springtime is lovetime.” In the spirit of National Poetry Month, and the creative energy of spring, write a poem based on one or more of the following prompts:
Write a poem or story about a magical object. Begin the piece with the line, “It appeared all our problems would be solved.”
Write a love poem or story about a part of your own body.
Write a poem or a story about a mundane errand (such as going to the grocery store) that searches for a deeper meaning attached to that errand.
Write a poem or story about a character that has a secret.
Write a poem or story about an occurrence from today’s news.
Let the buds of creativity bloom!